Edmonton Wedding Planner: Edmonton Made Wedding Gifts
Wedding gifts is the first topic audiences want to talk about anytime I make media appearances. It’s also one of the top questions I get from family and friends as they attend weddings. With this obvious desire to talk about gifts, I figured I would start a series of posts about wedding gifts.
As many of you know, my opinion when it comes to wedding gifts is to give cash. It’s easier to transport, helps support the costs of the wedding and allows the couple to buy what they truly need. However, I can appreciate the desire to give something meaningful that will stay in the couple’s home for a long time to come. Gifts are also a great way to spend a little less on the gift without the couple knowing!
If you are having a tight time with money and have a wedding to go to, go meaningful instead of expensive! It’s also a great plan of attack for those summers with a wedding every other weekend.
This week, I want to highlight some wonderful Edmonton Made gifts featured in their Gifted Catalogue. If you are going to buy a gift and don’t know how exactly to make it meaningful, buy them a well-made, local gift. Not only will it last the couple a long time, it will mean a lot to the businesses and artisans whose products you purchase.
These gifts are just a few local ideas, I challenge those of you looking to buy gifts to spend time walking into the local shops and searching local makers to find a meaningful local gift.
Next time I will be featuring buying local art for wedding gifts!
Have any wedding or event questions or topics you'd like covered? Get in touch!
Image Credits:
Card Box - Jessica Fern Facette
Products - EEDC / Shayne Woodsmith